

British black metal band Cradle of Filth were formed in 1991, originally comprised of vocalist Dani Filth (born Daniel Lloyd Davey), guitarist Paul Ryan, his keyboardist brother Benjamin, bassist John Richard, and drummer Darren. After recording a demo dubbed Invoking the Unclean a year later, the group recruited guitarist Robin Eaglestone, who quit soon after recording a second demo, Orgiastic Pleasures; however, when Richard exited the band a short time later, Eaglestone stepped back in to assume bass duties, opening the door for guitarist Paul Allender. Following a third demo, Total Fucking Darkness, Cradle of Filth -- now with new drummer Nicholas Barker -- signed with the Cacophonous label, issuing their proper debut, The Principle of Evil Made Flesh, in mid-1994.

The lineup changes continued when the Ryan brothers both departed to form the Blood Divine (and Allender left as well), making room for guitarists Stuart Antsis and Jared Demeter and keyboardist Damien Gregori to debut on the 1996 mini-LP Vempire or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein. For the full-length Dusk and Her Embrace later that same year, Gian Pyres took Demeter's spot, and afterward, Gregori was replaced by keyboardist Les Smith; at any rate, the album substantially expanded the group's growing cult following. COF's next effort, Cruelty and the Beast, appeared in 1998, amid the group's steadily growing reputation for elaborate Alice Cooper/Marilyn Manson-style concert theatrics. Two years later the group returned with From the Cradle to Enslave, an EP that featured new drummer Adrian Erlandsson (formerly of Sweden's At the Gates and the Haunted), as Barker had departed to join Dimmu Borgir.

The band's dizzying lineup changes continued apace as Paul Allender rejoined the group and Martin Powell (ex-Anathema and My Dying Bride) replaced Smith on keyboards for the full-length Midian, which was appropriately released on Halloween 2000. Bitter Suites to Succubi was issued on Spitfire in summer 2001. The group added a choir and orchestra to the lineup for 2003's Damnation and a Day on Red Ink, and moved to Roadrunner for 2004's Nymphetamine.
Thornography followed on Roadrunner in 2006, a year that also saw the release of The Cradle of Filth Box Set. Eleven Burial Masses, a collection of live material, arrived in 2007, followed by the concept album Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder in 2008. In 2010, the band released its ninth studio album, Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa, which is also a concept album that focused on the myth of the demon Lilith, the alleged first wife of the biblical Adam. Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa was the first COF album not to contain any instrumental tracks.

バンドの紹介文(ロードランナー、 wikipediaより)

全ては1991年の夏に始まった。「魔女の土地」として知られるイギリスはサフォークにて CRADLE OF FILTHは産声を上げる。当時のオリジナル・メンバーは、 Daniel Davey (vo.)John Richard (b.)Darren White(dr.)Paul Ryan (g.)という4人。翌年92年1月、 Robin Eaglestoneをゲスト・ギタリストに迎え、CRADLE OF FILTH"Invoking The Unclean"という デモを制作、その後も"The Black Goddes Rises""Orgiastic Pleasures"と3枚のデモを立て続けに 制作。そしてこの3作目となるこのデモ音源で、ようやく彼らは良い評判を得る事になり、 インディペンデント・レーベルから声がかかるようになるのだが、契約をしないまま、新たなデモの 制作に入る。この頃にはベースのJohnが脱退し、ゲスト・ギタリストだったRobinをベーシストとして 加入させ、新たにセカンド・ギタリストとしてPaul Allenderを、そしてより壮大なサウンドを実現 させるためにBenjamin Ryanをキーボードに迎え入れ、4作目となるデモ"Total Fucking Darkness"を 発表、ダニ曰く「俺達にとって唯一の重要なデモ」と表現するこの作品で彼らは今後の活動の核となる ブラック・メタルの片鱗を見せ始め、アンダーグラウンド・シーンにて異常なほどの盛り上がりを 見せ始める。
その後ドラマーのDarrenも脱退、すぐさまバンドはNicholas Barkerを新たなドラマーに迎えて活動を 続け、ようやくインディペンデント・レーベルであるCACOPHONOUS RECORDSとの契約を獲得、94年に デビュー・アルバム『The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh』を発表、3万枚を超えるセールスを記録し、 最高のブラック・メタル・バンドとしての評価を得るようになる。その後またもギタリストの二人の PaulとキーボードのBenjaminが脱退、新たにStuart Anstisを ギタリストに、Damien Gregoriをキーボードに迎え、 96年にEP『Vempire Or Dark Faerytales...』を発表するのだが、金銭的なトラブルもあった 同レーベルとの契約をこのEPで終了させ(このEP自体が契約を打ち切るために作られたものである)、同年すぐにMUSIC FOR NATIONSと契約を結ぶ。
既にその音楽性と、きわどいマーチャンダイズ(悪名高い'Jesus Is A Cunt'と書かれたTシャツなどは 特に有名)で絶大な支持を得ていた彼らは、96年にセカンド・アルバム『Dusk And Her Embrace』を 発表する。この作品から新たにGian Pyresをギタリストに迎え入れ、聴くも恐ろしい世界観と扇情的な サウンドでその人気を一気に上げた。アルバム発表後も数々のツアーに出、97年にはオランダの DINAMO OPEN AIRやアメリカのMILWAUKEE METAL FESTなどに出演、そして初の来日公演を行うなど、 世界規模での活動で各地に信者を獲得するようになる。キーボードのDamienがバンドを脱退するが すぐさまLes Smithを迎え入れ、98年にサード・アルバム『Cruelty And The Beast』を発表、その 洗練されたソングライティングとさらに幅が広がった音楽性でブラック・メタル・シーンからより ポピュラーな存在へとその階段を駆け上がっていく。この作品は後にケルティック・クロスのケースに 入った限定盤が発売されたのだが、そこで使われている写真があまりにグロいため、発売禁止となる 国も出た。
99年始めにまずドラマーのNicholasが脱退(その後Dimmu Borgirに加入する)、その後何人かの ドラマーを経て、Adrian Erlandssonが加わり、まず初のビデオ・クリップとなる "From The Cradle To Enslave"を制作、史上最強の血にまみれたビデオクリップとの評価を得る。しかし その直後にギターのStuartとキーボードのLesがバンドを脱退、ギターにPaul Allenderを呼び戻し、 キーボード探しには難航したものの最終的にバンドの旧友であるMartin Powellを迎え、次作の制作に とりかかる。その間、8月に初のホームビデオ『PanDaemonAeon』のリリースを挟み、11月にEP 『From The Cradle To Enslave』を発表、そして翌2000年には4作目となる『Midian』を立て続けに リリース、まるで映画を見ているかのようなその世界観で世界中を熱狂させた。
新世紀に入るとまず 01年に『Bitter Suites To Succubi』なる企画盤を発表、彼らの悪名高いライヴ・パフォーマンスを 収録した初のライヴ音源『Live Bait For The Dead』をリリース、その間もツアーを行うなど活発に 活動を続る。この間にベースのRobinとギターのGianが脱退、新たにDave Pybusをベースに迎え入れる。
2003年、長年のパートナーであったMUSIC FOR NATIONSを離れ、メジャーのSONYとの契約を獲得、 通産5枚目となる壮大なコンセプト・アルバム『Damnation And A Day』を03年に発表。 このアルバムは聖書中の堕天使ルシファーを題材に、ブダペストの40人編成オーケストラ、32人のコーラス隊の協力を得て完成した77分を超える大作となる。 アルバムをサポートするためOZZFESTへの出演も含む100以上のツアーを行い、またブラック・メタル・バンドと しては初の快挙でもある米ビルボード・チャートにも登場する(最高位140位)。
そして2004年、バンドは新たにROADRUNNER RECORDSとワールドワイドの契約を結び、 プロデューサーにRob Caggianoを迎え、LEAVES’EYESのリヴ・クリスティンもゲスト参加した6作目となる『NYMPHETAMIN』を発表、その完成されたサウンドとパフォーマンスで、 MTVのVIVA LA BUMに出演するなど全米までも飲み込んだ大規模な活動を開始、結果こちらも快挙となる、 2005年グラミー賞において「ベスト・メタル・パフォーマンス」部門でタイトル曲「Nymphetamine Fix」が ノミネートされるなど、より大きな層から支持を受ける事となる。2005年にはライヴ映像作品 『PEACE THROUGH SUPERIOR FIREPOWER』を発表。
2005年後半から新作の準備に取り掛かる。前作同様Rob Caggianoをプロデュースに迎え、よりラウドに、 ハードに、ヘヴィに、ダークに進化した新たなCRADLE OF FILTHサウンドを聴かせてくれる7作目となる 『THORNOGRAPHY』を発表。
そして2008年、シリアル・キラーや悪魔主義者、伝説の殺人鬼をモチーフにした、バンド史上最も 残虐なテーマからなる作品『GODSPEED ON THE DEVIL'S THUNDER』をリリースする。
その後、Roadrunner Recordsを離脱。 自らのレーベルAbraCadaverが原盤を持ち、販売をPeaceville Recordsに委託という形で 9作目アルバム『DARKLY, DARKLY, VENUS AVERSA』を発表。
2011年にEP『Evermore Darkly』を発売。ツアードキュメンタリーとGraspop festivalでのライヴ、Lilith Immaculateの PVが入ったDVD付きである。
2012年の4月にクラシックアルバム『Midnight in the Labyrinth』 を発売。バンドの初期3作の曲がオーケストラに アレンジされて収録されている。
CRADLE OF FILTHの10作目、『The Manticore and Other Horrors,』 は2012年10月に 発売。Paul Allenderは「初期の2作のようなアルバムを出す。以前のような女性ボーカルと強力なメロディライン、 それにハーモニーを加えることを決意した。パンク指向のリフをかなり入れてみたら、かなり暗く、ハードコアになった。」と 語っている。
2014年の4月、Paul Allenderは自身のバンドWhite Empressに専念するためにCRADLE OF FILTHを 脱退。James McIlroyも怪我のためにバンドを離れる。新たにRichard ShawMarek "Ashok" Šmerdaが セッションギタリストとして加入する。


現在もっとも注目されている英国産ブラック・メタル・バンド、クレイドル・オブ・フィルス『ダスク・アンド・ハー・エンブレイス』(96年)、『鬼女と野獣』(98年)など、 ヨーロッパ・オリエンテッドな悪魔的思想をふんだんに盛り込んだ名コンセプト・アルバムを次々と 発表し、絶大な支持を獲得している。
彼ら最大の魅力はそのエンターテインメント性にある。世界中のネガティヴィティを一身に 背負ったかのようなダーク・デス・ヴォイスと、過度にドラマチックなヘヴィ・サウンドが絡み合い、 生まれる恐怖のカタルシス。おばけ屋敷やホラー映画に近い雰囲気を十分体感できる。


"We were never a black metal band. The only thing that catered to that was the make-up. Even when The Principle of Evil Made Flesh came out ? You look at Emperor and Burzum and all that stuff ? We didn't sound anything like that. The way that I see it is that we were, and still are now, an extreme metal band."


The Principle of Evil Made Flesh(1993)

  1. Darkness Our Bride (Jugular Wedding)(Instrumental) 2:00
  2. The Principle of Evil Made Flesh 4:34
  3. The Forest Whispers My Name 5:06
  4. Iscariot(Instrumental) 2:33
  5. The Black Goddess Rises 6:48
  6. One Final Graven Kiss(Instrumental) 2:15
  7. A Crescendo of Passion Bleeding 5:30
  8. To Eve the Art of Witchcraft 5:28
  9. Of Mist and Midnight Skies 8:10
  10. In Secret Love We Drown(Instrumental) 1:29
  11. A Dream of Wolves in the Snow 2:10
  12. Summer Dying Fast 5:39
  13. Imperium Tenebrarum(Hidden Track) 0:49
Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitars
Paul Ryan - Guitars
Robin Graves - Bass
Benjamin Ryan - Keyboards
NIcholas Barker - Drums

Recorded in the Autumn Twilight 1993. Mixed and produced by Mags at Academy Studio. Mastered by Nilesh at The Exchange.

Cover photography by Chris Bell, with art direction by Nigel Wingrove.
Band photography by Paul Harries. Photographic portraits by Mark.

Darren White appears courtesy of Peaceville Records on "A Dream of Wolves in the Snow".
All female vocals arranged and performed by Andrea Meyer.
Cello arrangements by Soror Proselenos.
"Imperium Tenebrarum" (track 13) written and evoked by Frater Nihil.

V Empire(Or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein)(1996)

  1. Ebony Dressed For Sunset 2:49
  2. The Forest Whispers My Name 4:41
  3. Queen of Winter, Throned 10:27
  4. Nocturnal Supremacy 5:53
  5. She Mourns A Lengthening Shadow(Instrumental) 3:42
  6. The Rape and Ruin of Angels(Hosannas in Extremis) 8:52
Dani Filth : Vocals
Stuart Anstis : Guitars
Jared Demeter : Guitars (Not a real person. Invented for some reason to make it seem like two guitarists played on the EP.)
Robin Graves : Bass
Damien Gregori : Keyboards
Nicholas Barker : Drums

Lady Jezebel Deva: Additional Vocals
Cneajna: Additional Vocals

Dusk... and Her Embrace(1996)

  1. Humana Inspired to Nightmare(Instrumental) 1:23
  2. Heaven Torn Asunder 7:06
  3. Funeral in Carpathia 8:24
  4. A Gothic Romance(Red Roses for the Devil's Whore) 8:35
  5. Malice Through the Looking-Glass 5:30
  6. Dusk and Her Embrace 6:09
  7. The Graveyard by Moonlight(Instrumental) 2:28
  8. Beauty Slept in Sodom 6:32
  9. Haunted Shores(feat. Cronos of Venom) 7:04
Dani Filth: Vocals
Stuart Anstis: Guitars
Gian Pyres: Guitars
Robin Graves: Bass
Damien Gregori: Keyboards
Nicholas Barker: Drums
Sarah Jezebel Deva: Additional Vocals

Danielle Cneajna Cottington: Additional Vocals

Full Title of the Album is:
Dusk and Her Embrace ~Litanies of damnation, death and the darkly erotic~
Special Package

Cruelty and the Beast(1998)

  1. Once Upon Atrocity(instrumental) 1:42
  2. Thirteen Autumns and a Widow 7:14
  3. Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids 7:18
  4. Beneath the Howling Stars 7:42
  5. Venus in Fear(instrumental) 2:20
  6. Desire in Violent Overture 4:16
  7. The Twisted Nails of Faith 6:50
  8. Bathory Aria 11:02
  9. Portrait of the Dead Countess(instrumental) 2:52
  10. Lustmord and Wargasm(The Lick of Carnivorous Winds) 7:30
Limited edition bonus disc
  1. Lustmord and Wargasm II (The Relicking of Cadaverous Wounds)" 7:58
  2. Black Metal" (Venom cover) 3:27
  3. Hallowed Be Thy Name" (Iron Maiden cover) 7:10
  4. Sodomy and Lust" (Sodom cover) 4:47
  5. Twisting Further Nails" (The Cruci-Fiction Mix) 5:31
Dani Filth - Vocals
Stuart Antsis - Guitar
Gian Pyres - Guitar
Robin Eaglestone - Bass
Les Smith - Keyboards
Nicholas Barker - Drums
Sarah Jezebel Deva - Backing Vocals

Danielle Cneajna Cottington - Backing Vocals
Ingrid Pitt - Elizabeth Bathory Narration

This is a concept album based on the legend of the Hungarian "blood countess" Elizabeth Bathory (Bathory Erzsebet in Hungarian).

On the song "Bathory Aria", there is a guest appearance by Ingrid Pitt, who starred in the 1970 film "Countess Dracula" - a film based on E. Bathory, which is who the album is based upon.
Limited edition
Variant packaging for the Celtic Cross edition

From the Cradle to Enslave(1999)

  1. From the Cradle to Enslave 6:37
  2. Of Dark Blood and Fucking 6:02
  3. Death Comes Ripping(Misfits cover) 1:57
  4. Sleepless" (Anathema cover) 4:19
  5. Perverts Church (From the Cradle to Deprave)(Remix of "From the Cradle to Enslave" only on European release) 4:58
  6. Funeral in Carpathia (Be Quick or Be Dead Version) 8:08
Dani Davey - Vocals
Stuart Antsis - Guitars
Gian Pyres - Guitars
Robin Eaglestone - Bass
Les Smith - Keyboards
Nicholas Barker - Drums on track 6
Was Sarginson - Drums on tracks 1, 3 and 4
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums on track 2
Sarah Jezebel Deva - Female vocals

"From The Cradle To Enslave" recorded by Mike Exeter & Dan Sprigg at Parr Street Studios, mixed by John Fryer at Townhouse Studios.
"Of Dark Blood..." recorded by Mike Exeter & Dan Sprigg at Parr Street Studios, mixed by John Fryer at Townhouse Studios.
"Death Comes Ripping" music by Danzig/Only/Doyle/Robo.
"Sleepless" music by D.Cavanagh & Anathema, recorded & mixed by Mike Exeter & Dan Sprigg at Parr Street Studios.
"From The Cradle..." remixed by Damien Clarke(Ship Of Fools) & Lecter.
"Funeral In Carpathia" recorded and mixed by Mark Lucian Fairfax-Harwood at Springvale Studios.
All tracks mastered by Noel Sommerville at Transfermation.

Photos by Stu Williamson with further decay by Alex Chandon.
Layout & design by RiSe Graphics.


  1. At the Gates of Midian(Instrumental) 2:21
  2. Cthulhu Dawn 4:17
  3. Saffron's Curse 6:32
  4. Death Magick For Adepts 5:53
  5. Lord Abortion 6:51
  6. Amor e Morte 6:44
  7. Creatures That Kissed in Cold Mirrors (Instrumental) 3:00
  8. Her Ghost in the Fog 6:24
  9. Satanic Mantra 0:51
  10. Tearing the Veil from Grace 8:13
  11. Tortured Soul Asylum 7:46
  12. For Those Who Died(bonus Sabbat cover on Japanese and leatherbound release only, feat. Martin Walkyier) 6:16
Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitars
Gian Pyres - Guitars
Robin Graves - Bass
Martin Powell - Keyboards
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums
Sarah Jezebel Deva, Mika Lindberg - Female vocals

Andy Nice - Cello
Doug Bradley - Narration (on tracks 4, 8 & 11)
Variant leather packaging

Bitter Suites to Succubi(2001)

  1. Sin Deep My Wicked Angel(Instrumental) 2:23
  2. All Hope in Eclipse 6:39
  3. Born in a Burial Gown 4:46
  4. Summer Dying Fast(2001 Version) 5:21
  5. No Time to Cry(Sisters of Mercy cover) 3:22
  6. The Principle of Evil Made Flesh(2001 Version) 4:49
  7. Suicide and Other Comforts 6:57
  8. Dinner at Deviant's Palace(Instrumental) 2:59
  9. The Black Goddess Rises II(2001 Version) 7:22
  10. Scorched Earth Erotica 4:56
Dani Filth - Vocals
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums
Gian Pyres - Guitar
Martin Powell - Keyboards
Paul Allender - Guitar
Robin Eaglestone - Bass
Kian Rulten-Allender - Voice (8)
Libitina Grimm - Cello

Also includes:
A sample video of "Born In A Burial Gown", and the Cradle of Fear Trailer.
Re-recorded songs from "Principles of Evil Made Flesh".

Recorded at New Rising Studios.

Lovecraft & Witch Hearts(2002)

Cd1: Lovecraft
  1. Creatures That Kissed in Cold Mirrors(Instrumental) Midian 3:01
  2. Dusk and Her Embrace Dusk... and Her Embrace 6:08
  3. Beneath the Howling Stars Cruelty and the Beast 7:37
  4. Her Ghost in the Fog Midian 6:25
  5. Funeral in Carpathia(Be Quick or Be Dead Version) From the Cradle to Enslave 8:07
  6. The Twisted Nails of Faith Cruelty and the Beast 6:49
  7. From the Cradle to Enslave From the Cradle to Enslave 6:34
  8. Saffron's Curse Midian 6:22
  9. Malice Through the Looking Glass Dusk... and Her Embrace 5:30
  10. Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids Cruelty and the Beast 7:18
  11. Lord Abortion Midian 6:51
Cd2: Witch Hearts
  1. Once Upon Atrocity(Instrumental) 1:46
  2. Thirteen Autumns and A Widow(Red October Mix) 7:14
  3. For Those Who Died(Return to the Sabbat Mix) 6:15
  4. Sodomy and Lust(Sodom cover) 4:42
  5. Twisting Further Nails 5:30
  6. Amor E Morte(Lycanthropy Mix) 7:14
  7. Carmilla's Masque 2:52
  8. Lustmord and Wargasm II 7:46
  9. Dawn of Eternity(Massacre cover) 6:18
  10. Of Dark Blood and Fucking(Stripped to the Bone Mix) 5:59
  11. Dance Macabre(Tortured Soul Asylum Remix) 4:27
  12. Hell Awaits(Slayer cover) 5:39
  13. Hallowed Be Thy Name(Iron Maiden cover) 7:10
Compilation, remastered and remixed tracks.

Live Bait for the Dead(2002)

Disc 1: Eleven Burial Masses (CD and DVD)
  1. Intro - The Ceremony Opens(Live) 2:45
  2. Lord Abortion(Live) 6:33
  3. Ebony Dressed For Sunset(Live) 2:55
  4. The Forest Whispers My Name(Live) 4:55
  5. Cthulhu Dawn(Live) 4:31
  6. Dusk and Her Embrace(Live) 6:24
  7. The Principle of Evil Made Flesh(Live) 5:42
  8. Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids(Live) 7:54
  9. Her Ghost in the Fog(Live) 7:33
  10. Summer Dying Fast(Live) 5:43
  11. Interlude - Creatures That Kissed in Cold Mirrors(Live) 3:56
  12. From the Cradle to Enslave(Live) 5:59
  13. Queen of Winter, Throned(Live) 10:04
Disc 2: (Live Bait for the Dead only)
  1. Born in A Burial Gown" (The Polished Coffin Mix) 5:18
  2. No Time to Cry" (Sisters of No Mercy Mix) 4:20
  3. Funeral in Carpathia" (Soundcheck Recording) 8:22
  4. Deleted Scenes of A Snuff Princess" 5:37
  5. Scorched Earth Erotica" (Original Demo(n) Version) 4:57
  6. Nocturnal Supremacy" (Soundcheck Recording) 6:03
  7. From the Cradle to Enslave" (Under Martian Rule Mix) 6:05
  8. The Fire Still Burns" (Twisted Sister cover) 4:08
CD ROM Extras
  1. Downloadable Screensaver
  2. No Time to Cry (Promo Video)
Dani Filth - Vocals
Gian Pires - Guitar
Paul Allender - Guitar
Robin Graves - Bass
Martin Powell - Keyboards
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums
Sarah Jezebel Deva - additional vocals

Disc 2 includes a CD-ROM video of "No Time To Cry".

First disc re-released in 2007 by Peaceville Records as "Eleven Burial Masses" with the Heavy, Left-Handed and Candid DVD minus the bonus features.
Eleven Burial Masses release

Damnation and a Day(2003)

  1. A Bruise upon the Silent Moon(Instrumental) 2:03
  2. The Promise of Fever 5:58
  3. Hurt and Virtue 5:23
  4. An Enemy Led the Tempest 6:11
  5. Damned in Any Language(A Plague on Words)(Instrumental) 1:58
  6. Better to Reign in Hell 6:11
  7. Serpent Tongue 5:10
  8. Carrion 4:42
  9. The Mordant Liquor of Tears(Instrumental) 2:35
  10. Presents from the Poison-Hearted 6:19
  11. Doberman Pharaoh 6:03
  12. Babalon A.D.(So Glad for the Madness) 5:39
  13. A Scarlet Witch Lit the Season(Instrumental) 1:34
  14. Mannequin 4:27
  15. Thank God for the Suffering 6:13
  16. The Smoke of Her Burning 5:00
  17. End of Daze(Instrumental) 1:24
Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitar
Martin Powell - Keyboards, Guitar, Violin
David Pybus - Bass
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums
Sarah Jezebel Deva - Backing Vocals, Harmonies

Dave McEwan - Narration (on all "Intro" tracks)
Madame Slam - Fellation
Laszlo Zadori - Conductor
Orchestra and Choirs by The Budapest Film Orchestra & Budapest Film Choir (From Hungary)
Daniel Presley - Orchestral Arrangements, Orchestral Mixing

Full album title:
Damnation and a Day: From Genesis to Nemesis

The album is divided into 4 parts:
I. Fantasia Down (tracks 1-4)
II. Paradise Lost (tracks 5-8)
III. Sewer Side Up (tracks 9-12)
IV. The Scented Garden (tracks 13-17)

The song "Carrion" was used in the 2003 animated film Dominator, which featured Dani Filth as the voice of Dominator.

The song "Doberman Pharaoh" is credited as "Doberman Pharaoh or Destiny Wore A Bondage Mask" in the booklet included with the disc, but not on the track listing on the back cover.


  1. Satyriasis(Instrumental) 1:42
  2. Gilded Cunt 4:08
  3. Nemesis 7:18
  4. Gabrielle 5:27
  5. Absinthe with Faust 5:14
  6. Nymphetamine (Overdose)(feat. Liv Kristine) 9:14
  7. Painting Flowers White Never Suited My Palette(Instrumental) 1:57
  8. Medusa and Hemlock 4:44
  9. Coffin Fodder 5:17
  10. English Fire 4:45
  11. Filthy Little Secret 6:16
  12. Swansong for a Raven 7:09
  13. Mother of Abominations 7:33
  14. Nymphetamine (Fix)(feat. Liv Kristine) 5:02
Special Edition Bonus Disc
  1. Devil Woman(Cliff Richard cover) 3:38
  2. Soft White Throat 5:40
  3. Bestial Lust (Bitch)(Bathory cover) 2:54
  4. Prey 4:57
  5. Nymphetamine(Jezebel Deva Fix) 5:03
  6. Mr. Crowley(Ozzy Osbourne cover) 5:41
  7. Nymphetamine(Video) 5:06
Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitar
James McIlroy - Guitar
Martin "Foul" Powell - Keyboards & Guitar
Dave Pybus - Bass
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums

Session and guest musicians:
Sarah Jezebel Deva - Female Vocals
Liv Kristine (Leaves Eyes, ex-Theatre of Tragedy) - Vocals (on track 6/14)
King Diamond - Backing Vocals (on Devil Woman)
Doug Bradley - Narration (on tracks 1 & 12)
Daniel Presley - Orchestral Arrangements, Orchestral Mixing
The Vulgarian Philharmonic Orchestra
Tessa Bonner, Kim Porter, Deborah Roberts, Tim Sager, Gregory Skidmore, Nicholas
Todd - Choir

Martin Powell wrote on the offical Cradle Of Filth forum: "...guitars on Nymphetamine were once again by Paul and myself with some help from James. I actually played guitars for Nymphetamine, Nemesis, Absinthe with Faust, Swansong for a Raven and the cover of 'Devil Woman' that was on a special edition."

Colin Richardson - Mixing
Special edition


  1. Under Pregnant Skies She Comes Alive Like Miss Leviathan(Instrumental) 1:40
  2. Dirge Inferno 4:53
  3. Tonight in Flames 5:55
  4. Libertina Grimm 5:51
  5. The Byronic Man(feat. Ville Valo) 5:03
  6. I Am the Thorn 7:06
  7. Cemetery and Sundown 5:37
  8. Lovesick For Mina 7:00
  9. The Foetus of A New Day Kicking 3:43
  10. Rise of the Pentagram(Instrumental) 7:02
  11. Under Huntress Moon 6:58
  12. Temptation(Heaven 17 cover) (feat. Dirty Harry) 3:47
  13. HW2(Samhain cover) (Japanese Bonus Track) 3:38
Harder, Darker, Faster: Thornography Deluxe
  1. Murder in the Thirst 1:17
  2. The Snake-Eyed and the Venomous 5:47
  3. Halloween II(Samhain Cover) 3:36
  4. Courting Baphomet 5:17
  5. Stay(Shakespears Sister cover) 4:55
  6. Devil to the Metal 6:18
Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitar
Charles Hedger - Guitar
Dave Pybus - Bass, Backing Vocals (on Halloween II)
Adrian Erlandsson - Drums

Additional / guest musiacians:
Sarah Jezebel Deva - Female Vocals
Doug Bradley - Narration
Mark Newby-Robson - Keyboards
Christopher Jon - Keyboards
Rosie Smith - Keyboards
Laura Reid - Cello
Ville Valo (HIM) - Vocals (on "The Byronic Man")
Victoria Harrison (Dirty Harry) - Vocals (on "Temptation")
Veronica Rehn - Vocals (on "Under Pregnant Skies...")
Rob Caggiano - Producer, Drums (on "Stay"), Backing Vocals (on Halloween II)
Martin Walkyier - Backing Vocals (on "The Snake-Eyed and the Venomous")

Daniel Presley - Arrangement of orchestral passages, composition and arrangement of "Murder in the Thirst"
Chris Rehn - Composition and performance of "Under Pregnant Skies...", orchestral arrangements on "Stay"
Tommy Rehn - Additional arrangements of "Under Pregnant Skies...", orchestral arrangements on "Stay".

- Aric Prentice
- Keith Halliday
- Charlie Jenkis
- Moira Johnston
- Ruth Nixon
- Chris Mitchell
- Rachel Line
- William Harrison
- Sophie Allen
- Laela Adamson

The Shakespeare's Sister cover of "Stay" features Sarah Jezebel Deva on vocals again, but there exists another version, with Dirty Harry from Temptation on vocals.
Limited edition "First Day" cover
Harder, Darker, Faster: Thornography Deluxe

Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder(2008)

  1. In Grandeur and Frankincense Devilment Stirs(Instrumental) 2:27
  2. Shat Out of Hell 5:03
  3. The Death of Love 7:13
  4. The 13th Caesar 5:35
  5. Tiffauges(Instrumental) 2:14
  6. Tragic Kingdom 5:59
  7. Sweetest Maleficia 5:59
  8. Honey and Sulphur 5:37
  9. Midnight Shadows Crawl to Darken Counsel With Life 8:58
  10. Darkness Incarnate 8:55
  11. Ten Leagues Beneath Contempt 4:58
  12. Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder 5:36
  13. Corpseflower(Instrumental) 2:41
Limited Edition Bonus Disc
  1. Balsamic and Anathema 6:05
  2. A Thousand Hands on the Maid of Ruin(Instrumental) 8:04
  3. Into the Crypt of Rays(Celtic Frost cover) 4:10
  4. Devil to the Metal 6:17
  5. Courting Baphomet 5:17
  6. The Love of Death(Remix) 5:13
  7. The Death of Love(Demo) 7:16
  8. The 13th Caesar(Demo) 5:27
  9. Dirge Inferno(Live) 6:45
  10. Dusk and Her Embrace(Live) 5:46

Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitar
Dave Pybus - Bass
Martin Škaroupka - Drums

Session / Guest Performers:
Mark Newby-Robson - Keyboards
Sarah Jezebel Deva - Spoken Voice, Harmonies
Doug Bradley - Narration
Stephen Svanholm - Baritone Vocals
Carolyn Gretton - Lead Female Vocals
Luna Scarlett Davey - Child Narration

- Elissa Devins
- Julie Devins
- Leanne Harrison
- Carolyn Gretton
- Tonya Kay
- Rachel Marshall-Clarke
- Liz Willgoose
- Laura Willgoose

Produced by Andy Sneap.
Engineered by Scott Arkins and Andy Sneap.
Mixed and mastered March-June, 2008, by Andy Sneap at Backstage Studios, Derbyshire, England.

Vocal Engineer / Producer - Doug Cook

Artwork by David Ho.
Layout by Travis Smith.
Band photographs by Daragh McDonagh.
Costuming by Eternal Spirits.

All music written by Paul Allender, Mark Newby-Robson, and Cradle of Filth.
Concept and lyrics by Dani Filth.

Full album title:
Godspeed on the Devil's Thunder - The Life and Crimes of Gilles De Rais

This is a concept album, based on the life of the infamous 15th century French nobleman, Gilles De Rais, who fought alongside Joan of Arc and accumulated great wealth before becoming a serial killer, sexual deviant and Satanist.

The title of the album derives from a valediction vocalist Dani Filth once used to sign a letter.
Limited Edition

Darkly, Darkly, Venus Aversa(2010)

  1. The Cult of Venus Aversa 7:07
  2. One Foul Step from the Abyss 4:53
  3. The Nun with the Astral Habit 4:55
  4. Retreat of the Sacred Heart 3:56
  5. The Persecution Song 5:34
  6. Deceiving Eyes 6:43
  7. Lilith Immaculate 6:12
  8. The Spawn of Love and War 6:19
  9. Harlot on a Pedestal 5:09
  10. Forgive Me Father(I Have Sinned) 4:33
  11. Beyond Eleventh Hour 7:16
Limited Edition Bonus Disc
  1. Beast of Extermination 5:32
  2. Truth & Agony 5:56
  3. Mistress From the Sucking Pit 7:00
  4. Behind the Jagged Mountains 5:44
  5. Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)(music video) (iTunes only) 4:33
Limited fan edition bonus disc
  1. Beast of Extermination 5:32
  2. Truth & Agony 5:56
  3. Adest Rosa Secreta Eros 7:25
  4. Mistress From the Sucking Pit 7:00
  5. Behind the Jagged Mountains 5:44
  6. The Cult of Venus Aversa(Demo Version) 6:48
  7. The Nun With the Astral Habit(Demo Version) 4:58
  8. Deceiving Eyes(Demo Version) 6:44
DVD - the promo video for Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned) plus a documentary on the making of the video

Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitars
James McIlroy - Guitars
Dave Pybus - Bass
Ashley Ellyllon - Keyboards, Backing Vocals
Martin Škaroupka - Drums

Guest members: Lucy Atkins - Female Vocals
Dora Kemp - Backing Vocals
Mark Newby-Robson - Orchestration
Andy James - Guitars

- Ruth McCabe
- Tim Cutts
- Craig Miller
- Philippa Mann
- Dora Kemp
- Anna Asbach-Cullen

Produced by Scott Atkins, Doug Cook and Dani Filth
Mixed by Scott Atkins
Engineered by Scott Atkins and Doug Cook
With roadside assistance by Rupert Matthews and Andy Sneap
Recorded and mixed at Monkey Puzzle House Studio, Woolpit, Suffolk, England

All music written by Paul Allender, James McIlroy, Mark Newby-Robson, Ashley Ellyllon, Dave Pybus and Martin Škaroupka
Lyrics by Dani Filth

Cover and booklet artwork by Natalie Shau
Limited fan edition bonus disc

Evermore Darkly(2011)

Evermore Darkly
  1. Transmission from Hell 2:05
  2. Thank Your Lucky Scars 4:53
  3. Forgive Me Father (I Have Sinned)(Elder Version) 4:22
  4. Lilith Immaculate(Extended Length) 8:03
  5. The Persecution Song(Elder Version) 5:36
  6. Forgive Me Father(I'm in a Trance) 6:29
  7. The Spawn of Love and War(Elder Version) 6:21
  8. Summer Dying Fast("Midnight in the Labyrinth" breadcrumb trail) 5:22
Venus Diversa DVD
  1. Humana Inspired to Nightmare(Live)
  2. Heaven Torn Asunder(Live)
  3. Honey and Sulphur(Live)
  4. Lilith Immaculate(Live)
  5. Her Ghost in the Fog(Live)
  6. Nymphetamine (Fix)(Live)
  7. The Principle of Evil Made Flesh(Live)
  8. Ebony Dressed for Sunset(Live)
  9. The Forest Whispers My Name(Live)
  10. Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids(Live)
  11. From the Cradle to Enslave(Live)
  12. Lilith Immaculate(Music Video) 6:14
  13. You Can't Polish a Turd... But You Can Roll It in Glitter(Rockumentary) 42:36
Alternative covers

Midnight in the Labyrinth(2012)

Disc One: Narrated
  1. "A Gothic Romance (Red Roses for the Devil's Whore)" Dusk... and Her Embrace 8:39
  2. "The Forest Whispers My Name" The Principle of Evil Made Flesh 5:42
  3. "The Twisted Nails of Faith" Cruelty and the Beast 7:08
  4. "The Rape and Ruin of Angels (Hosannas in Extremis)" V Empire 8:20
  5. "Funeral in Carpathia" Dusk... and Her Embrace 8:52
  6. "Summer Dying Fast" The Principle of Evil Made Flesh 5:21
  7. "Thirteen Autumns and a Widow" Cruelty and the Beast 7:15
  8. "Dusk and Her Embrace" Dusk... and Her Embrace 6:32
  9. "Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids" Cruelty and the Beast 7:47
  10. "Goetia (Invoking the Unclean)" 13:06
Disc Two: Orchestral
  1. "The Rape and Ruin of Angels (Hosannas in Extremis)" 8:16
  2. "Dusk and Her Embrace" 6:29
  3. "Summer Dying Fast" 5:21
  4. "The Twisted Nails of Faith" 7:06
  5. "Funeral in Carpathia" 8:38
  6. "The Forest Whispers My Name" 5:33
  7. "Cruelty Brought Thee Orchids" 7:25
  8. "A Gothic Romance (Red Roses for the Devil's Whore)" 8:36
  9. "Thirteen Autumns and a Widow" 7:13
Producered by Kit Woolve、Cradle of Filth

The Manticore and Other Horrors(2012)

  1. "The Unveiling of O" (Instrumental) 2:07
  2. "The Abhorrent" 5:53
  3. "For Your Vulgar Delectation" 4:46
  4. "Illicitus" 5:24
  5. "Manticore" 5:53
  6. "Frost on Her Pillow" 4:12
  7. "Huge Onyx Wings Behind Despair" 4:23
  8. "Pallid Reflection" 5:34
  9. "Siding With the Titans" 5:17
  10. "Succumb to This" 4:43
  11. "Sinfonia" (Instrumental) 3:25
Deluxe edition
  1. "Succumb to This" 4:34
  2. "Nightmares of an Ether Drinker" (Deluxe edition bonus track) 4:32
  3. "Death, the Great Adventure" (Deluxe edition bonus track) 6:18
  4. "Sinfonia" (Instrumental) 3:24

Dani Filth - Vocals
Paul Allender - Guitars
James McIlroy - Guitars
Martin Škaroupka - Drums

Guest/session musicians
Daniel James Firth - bass
Lucy Atkins - vocals
Choir formed by Jill Fallow, Scarlet Summer, Lucy Atkins, India Price, Janet Granger, Petra Stiles-Swinton, Anita Kilpatrick, Robert L. Friars, Daniel Oxblood, Joseph Kelly, Jasper Conway.
Choir conducted & arranged by Will Graney.

Additional personnel
Scott Atkins - mixing, engineering & mastering
Mark Harwood - additional engineering
Doug Cook - additional engineering
Matt Vickerstaff - album art

Hammer of the Witches(2015)

  1. Walpurgis Eve 1:29
  2. Yours Immortally... 6:01
  3. Enshrined in Crematoria 5:46
  4. Deflowering the Maidenhead, Displeasuring the Goddess 6:56
  5. Blackest Magick in Practice 6:50
  6. The Monstrous Sabbat (Summoning the Coven) 1:51
  7. Hammer of the Witches 6:29
  8. Right Wing of the Garden Triptych 5:54
  9. The Vampyre at My Side 5:45
  10. Onward Christian Soldiers 6:59
  11. Blooding the Hounds of Hell 2:10
Deluxe edition
  1. King of the Woods 6:17
  2. Misericord 6:19
Dani Filth - lead vocals, lyrics
Richard Shaw - guitars
Marek 'Ashok' Šmerda - guitars
Daniel Firth - bass
Martin Marthus Škaroupka - drums, keyboards, orchestration
Lindsay Schoolcraft - female vocals, harp

Delux edition


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