How to get GIMP?
I noticed
Useful Plugins
Plugin details
script-fu link
Update log
Useful script-fu
Useful script-fu2
Useful script-fu3
Useful script-fu4
Syntax of script-fu
compare version

Compared GIMP version

Compared GIMPversion 1.2 - version 2.6.
OS : Windows Vista SP2
CPU : Intel Core2 1.80GHz
Memory : 2GB

GIMP1.2.5(Install version)

Startup : Fast, without reading big-size brushes.(19 seconds)
Many big brushes terminated this version.
Plug-in : Useful "Logconv"
Photoshop Plug-in : Enabled
mathmap : Enabled
G'MIC : Disabled
script-fu : "Sky Animation" can make.
Output formats : bmp, binkenlights(Grayscale), c-source(can't read), cel(Only index and aplha channel image, image is broken), fits(when this format open and choose NONE, 3 images opened. If you choose NAXIS.., original image opened), fli(Changed grayscale or index, can't read), gbr(Require Alpha channel), gih(Require Alpha channel), gif(Changed grayscale or index), gzip, header(can't read), hrz(size 256x240), html(can't read), ico(gicon, Grayscale), im1(sunras), jpeg, pat(Require NO Alpha channel), pcs, pix, png, pnm, ps(postscript, can't read), psd, sgi, shp(Grayscale), tga, tiff, xbm(Changed Index), xcf, xwd, xpm
Others : Automatic made ".xvpics" folder every time when save files.
This version often terminated..if script-fu contents so many errors, this version often terminated.
In My PC(Windows Vista), only this version can create and save GIMPressionist presets.
Reading script-fu is very fast, but GIMP often terminated.
When GIMP1.2 treats large size image and use undo, this may take a while.
Light color gradient is low level than later 2.0.

GIMP2.0.5(Install version)

Startup : Reading fonts takes time always....the reason is installed GIMP version 1.2.5???(1 minutes 31 seconds)
Plug-in : "plug-in-rgb-noise" instead use "plug-in-noisify".
Photoshop Plug-in : Enabled(Added plug-in)
mathmap : Disabled
G'MIC : Disabled
script-fu :
Output formats : avi(uncompressed AVI, additional plugin), bmp, c-source(can't read), cel(image is broken), dicom, fits(when this format open and choose NONE, 3 images opened. If you choose NAXIS.., original image opened), fli(Changed grayscale or index, can't read), gbr(Require Alpha channel or Grayscale), gih(Require Alpha channel), gif(Changed grayscale or index), gih(Require Alpha channel), header(can't read), hrz(size 256x240), html(can't read), ico(gicon, Grayscale), im1(sunras), jpeg, pat, pcs, pix, png, pnm, ps(postscript, can't read), psd, sgi, tga, tiff, xbm(Changed Index), xcf, xwd, xpm
Others : Some jpg format image can't read.
Save image, if choosed "export", this version occasionall terminated. If use this version, I recommend to save xcf format.
If script-fu uses gauss-iir or gimp-selection-feather, deteriorated image created.
Reading script-fu is very fast.


Startup : Reading font takes time on Portable.
I changed the folder of "GIMPPortable" "App\gtk" contents to this(the contents of gtk, GIMP2.2 install version).
(If you'll change this, save backup original gtk contents)(35 seconds)
Plug-in : Additional plug-ins don't process on Portable, so I changed "App\gimp\bin" "libgimp-2.0-0.dll" to this. And additional plug-ins processed.
Photoshop Plug-in : Enabled(Added plug-in)
mathmap : Enabled
G'MIC : Disabled
script-fu :
Output formats : alpha, amp(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), avi(uncompressed AVI, additional plugin), bitmap(Changed Index), bmp, bw, c-source(can't read), cel(image is broken), cif(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), dcm(dicom), dds, eps, fit(fits, when this format open and choose NONE, 3 images opened. If you choose NAXIS.., original image opened), fli(flc, changed grayscale or index, can't read), gbr(Require Alpha channel or Grayscale), gif(Changed grayscale or index), gih(Require Alpha channel), header(can't read), html(htm, can't read), ico(smaller than 255x255), icon(can't read), il(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), il43(Changed Index, can't read), im1(sunras), j2k, jp2, jpe, jpeg, jpg, mag(Changed Index, additional plugin), mask, matte, pat, pcc, pcx, pgm(Grayscale), pix, png, ppm, ps(postscript, can't read), psd, rgb, sgi, tga, tif, tiff, xbm(Changed Index), xcf, xpm, xwd
Others : Save jpeg format, this version can't use preview. An error occured.
If script-fu uses gauss-iir or gimp-selection-feather, deteriorated image created.
Reading script-fu is very fast.


Startup : Quickly than 2.0.5(56 seconds).
Plug-in : Some plugin's effects are diofferent from previous version.
I can't understand that recently(03/15/2012) this version can't read AVI format. Maybe ani format save plugin get in the way of reading avi format..
Photoshop Plug-in : Enabled(Added plug-in)
mathmap : Enabled
G'MIC : Enabled(version1.5.7.2)
script-fu : Disable "<Image>/Script-Fu/Stencil Ops/". Change "<Image>/Script-Fu/StencilOps".
"Alpha to Logo" is in "Filters" menu.
Output formats : amp(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), ani(additional plugin), avi(uncompressed AVI, additional plugin, can't read), bitmap(Changed Index), bmp, bw, bz2(file compressed without extension), c-source(can't read), cel(An message showed), cif(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), dcm(dicom), dds, eps, fit(fits, when this format open and choose NONE, 3 images opened. If you choose NAXIS.., original image opened), fli(flc, Changed grayscale or index, can't read), gbr, gif(Changed grayscale or index), gih(Require Alpha channel), gzip, header(can't read), html(htm, can't read), ico, icon(can't read), il(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), il43(Changed Index, can't read), im1(sunras), j2k, jp2, jpe, jpeg, jpg, mag(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), pat, pbm(Changed Grayscale), pcc, pcx, pgm(Changed Grayscale), png, pnm, ps(postscript, can't read), ppm, psd, ras, rgb, rs, sgi, tga, tif, tiff, webp, xbm(Changed Index), xcf, xcf.bz2(file compressed "xcf" format), xcfbz2, xpm, xwd
(mng and pix occurred errors and can't save.)

GIMP2.6(GIMPPortable2.6.12)(Only this version, reading many brushes)

Startup : Reading Script-Fu takes time.(1 minutes 32 seconds).
Plug-in : Outout format AVI can do for added plugin, but reading format AVI can't.
Photoshop Plug-in : Enabled(Added plug-in)
mathmap : Enabled
G'MIC : Enabled(version1.5.7.2)
script-fu : Disable "<Image>/Script-Fu/Stencil Ops/". Change "<Image>/Script-Fu/StencilOps".
"Logo"s are "File" - "Create image". "Alpha to Logo" is in "Filter" menu.
Output formats : alpha, als, amp(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), ani(additional plugin), avi(uncompressed AVI, additional plugin, can't read), bitmap(Changed Index), bmp, bw, bz2(file compressed without extension), c-source(can't read), cel(An message showed), cif(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), dcm(dicom), dds, eps, fit(fits, when this format open and choose NONE, 3 images opened. If you choose NAXIS.., original image opened), fli(flc, Changed grayscale or index, can't read), gbr, gif(Changed grayscale or index), gih(Require Alpha channel), gz(file compressed without extension), header(can't read), html(can't read), ico, icon(can't read), il(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), il43(Changed Index, can't read), im1(sunras), j2k, jp2, jpe, jpeg, jpg, mag(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), mask, matte, pat, pbm(Changed Grayscale), pcc, pcx, pgm(Changed Grayscale), pix, png, pnm, ps(postscript, can't read), ppm, psd, ras, rgb, rgba, rs, sgi, tga, tif, tiff, webp, xbm(Changed Index), xcf, xcf.bz2(file compressed "xcf" format), xcfbz2, xcf.gz, xcfgz(file compressed without extension), xpm, xwd
(mng occurred an error and can't save.)
Others : Changed menu position makes difficult to use......
Run this version, always created folder "gegl-0.0" on My Documemts, so I recommend to set this folder "hide".


Startup : Reading Script-Fu takes time. And first time reading brushes takes time.(1 minutes 38 seconds).
Plug-in : Outout format AVI can do for added plugin, and reading AVI file is possible. Instead ani.exe can't use in 2.8.
Photoshop Plug-in : Enabled(Added plug-in)
mathmap : Enabled
G'MIC : Enabled
script-fu : Disable "<Image>/Script-Fu/Stencil Ops/". Change "<Image>/Script-Fu/StencilOps".
"Logo"s are "File" - "Create image". "Alpha to Logo" is in "Filter" menu.
Output formats : alpha, als, amp(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), avi(uncompressed AVI,additional plugin), bitmap(Changed Index), bmp, bw, c-source(can't read), cel(An message showed, can't read), cif(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), dcm(dicom), dds, eps(Read this image, image amplyfied), fit(fits, when this format open and choose NONE, 3 images opened. If you choose NAXIS.., original image opened), fli(fls, can't read), gbr, gif(Changed grayscale or index), gih, header(can't read), html(htm, can't read), ico, icon(can't read), il(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), il43(Changed Index, can't read), im1(sunras), j2k, jp2, jpe, jpeg, jpg, mag(Changed Index, can't read, additional plugin), mask, matte, ora, pat, pbm(Changed Grayscale), pcc, pcx, pdf, pgm(Changed Grayscale), pix, png, pnm, ppm, ps(postscript, Read this image, image amplyfied), psd, rgb, rgba, sgi, tga, tif, tiff, webp, xbm(Changed Index), xcf, xcfbz2, xcf.gz(file compressed "xcf" format), xcfgz(file compressed without extension), xpm, xwd
(mng occurred an error and can't save.)
Others : Like version 2.6, changed menu position makes difficult to use. And so many bugs in 2.8. A part of brushes size don't reflect.


Startup : Faster than GIMP2.8(Can't compare because my PC and OS changed).
Plug-in : So many changed original plug-ins. For example, bumpmap, displace, etc..they changed range of number, so if they're used in script-fu, errors occurred.
Photoshop Plug-in : Enabled(Added plug-in)
mathmap : Enable with conditions added(Click here)
G'MIC : Enabled
script-fu : Where are many logos script-fu??? So I installed 2.8 logo script-fu but some errors occurred. Border selection changed, so you should change when you use 2.8 logos script-fu.
Output formats :

Others : This version, brushes can use like GIMP2.6 or previous version. But no old brushes, so you install from old GIMP brushes. And old GIMP2.10, plug-in-edge 100% terminated GIMP. About GIMP 2.10.14, neon logo script-fu(from GIMP2.8) can't use. - GIMP2.10.20 can use neon logo script-fu.

Every version if GIMP sets to read many brushes or many patterns, GIMP takes time.