The fault of GIMPressionist.exe

Original image

Environment : WindowsXP, Windows Vista
Verion : GTK+2.2.68 - 2.10.13, GIMP2.2.8-2.2.17, GIMP2.4.0-2.4.7, GIMP2.6.1-2.6.12

When use color noise of GIMPressionist, the result is this.

Clearly, strange color noise. So I use gimpressionist.exe from GIMP2 for Windows 2.0.5-ja13.

The result

Color noise problem is resolved.
Caution : This version can't save gimpressionist presets, so you should back up original plug-in.

The problem of mode "Lighten Only"

Environment : WindowsXP SP1

Version : GTK+2 2.89, GIMP2.2.10-2.2.11

At GIMP2.2.10 duplicate layer and blur botom layer, and set top layer mode "Lighten Only", lines appeared.

Top layer contents "alpha-channel", this occurred. So, add non-alpha-channel layer and do the line (duplicate - "Lighten Only").

Lines doesn't appear.

Add non-alpha-channel layer and soft-focus script-fu.

Doesn't run script-fu!?

Environment : WindowsVista

Version : GIMP2.6.11-2.6.12

Processed GIMP2.6.10 script-fu doesn't run at GIMP2.6.11 and 2.6.12.
At mhmarble.scm, it processed when delete cond command. But other script-fu used cond command, and this script-fu processed. This cause I don't know at all.

On another occasion, GIMP2.6.6 script-fu terminated GIMP soft.
I don't think that same version these problems occurred.


Two byte codes occurred errors. So you don't use many two byte characters.

How to speed up GIMP startup.

One of the reason that GIMP takes time to start is reading fonts. Usually font-cache created, but font-cache created Temporary folder so when you use clean-up soft, font-cache deleted.
If font-cache directory change, cache doesn't deleted.
  1. Font-cache directory setting file is "fonts.conf". This file place is "(GIMP installed folder)\App\gimp\etc\fonts" (About GIMP portable, only version 2.2 "(Installed folder)\App\gtk\etc\fonts").
  2. This file can edit notepad. So use notepad and pen this file.
  3. Edit <!-- Font cache directory list -->.
    These 2 lines set to disable(enclose <!-- -->), and add this line.
    <cachedir>(GIMP installed folder)\Data\settings\fontconfig</cachedir>
    (Except Temporary folder, another pass can use).
  4. Save "fonts.conf" and run GIMP. Cache created new directory. If you use clean-up soft, this font-cache doesn't deleted. So next time GIMP run quickly.
If gimp still slow on startup, delete old font cache.
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