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Useful Plugins

Plugins(gegl-0.4 use) and How to use(from LinuxBeaver)
How to use Python
How to open Photoshop pattern file?(GIMP2.4-later)


Adaptive Contrast Enhancement(gimp-ace)(GIMP2.2-2.8)
    Layers - Colors - Adaptive Contrast

Adaptive Threshold Edge Detection(GIMP2.6-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - edge - Adaptive Edge Detection

    File - Save As

Apparent Greyscale(colour2grey-local-0.1)(GIMP2.2-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - Colors - Colour2Grey Local

bASCII(GIMP2.0-2.8)  [HomePage]
    File - Save As (Convert image file "grayscale")

Beautify(GIMP2.6)  (GIMP2.8)  (GIMP2.10(other site)) [HomePage]
    Filters - Beautify
(Copy binary files to plug-ins folder.
And copy 3 folders(rip-border, simple-border, texture-border) to "C:\Documents and Settings\user-name\.gimp-2.0" or "C:\Users\user-name\.gimp-2.0". About GIMPPortable, copy to "installed GIMPPortable folder\Data\.gimp")

CamoTruck.Net (Needs selection range)(GIMP2.2-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - CamoTruck-Net

Chromatic Aberration(fix-ca)(GIMP2.2-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - color - Chromatic Aberration...

    Color - Colour match

Depthmap(GIMP2.2-2.4)  [HomePage] [How to use]
    Filters - Map - Depthmap...

G'MIC(GIMP2.4-2.10)   [HomePage]   [old G'MIC]

    Filter - G'MIC...

Gluas(GIMP2.2-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - generic - gluas

GP Boundary shrinker(boundary-shrinker) (Use index mode image) (GIMP2.4-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - Misc - Boundary shrinker

GREYCstoration(GIMP2.2-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - enhance - GREYCstoration

HDR image processing toolkit(gimp-drt)(GIMP2.4-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - Enhance - Dynamic Range Transformer

Intelligum (Needs selection range)(GIMP2.0-2.8)
    Filters - Misc - Intelligum

Light to Height(l2height-0.7)(GIMP2.4-2.8)
    Filters - Map - Light to Height

Liquid Rescale(gimp-lqr-plugin+plug_in_lqr_iter)(GIMP2.2-2.4    GIMP2.6-2.8)   [HomePage]
    Layers - Liquid rescale...
How to use?
1.Run Liquid rescale and click "New" at the right of "Preserve features".
2.Select Image's new layer(pres mask) and filled object.
3.Back to Liquid Rescale, set new width and height and click OK.

Maze5(GIMP2.4-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - Render - Pattern - Maze5

Plasma2(GIMP2.0    GIMP2.2-2.8)   [HomePage]
    Filters - render - clouds - plasma2

    Filters - Render - clouds - Sky

Resynthesizer(GIMP2.0    GIMP2.2-2.8)   [HomePage]
    Filters - Map - Resynthesize

Saturation Equalizer(GIMP2.2    GIMP2.4-2.8)
    Filters - enhance - Saturation Equalizer

Self-SOM(GIMP2.0    GIMP2.2-2.8)
    Filters - Colors - Self-SOM

Tileably Shrink(GIMP2.0    GIMP2.2-2.8)
    Filters - Map - Tileably Shrink

UserFilter(GIMP2.4-2.8)  [HomePage]
    Filters - Generic - User Filter

uc-avi(GIMP2.0-2.8)  [HomePage]
    File - Save As

    Filters - Light and Shadow - Vignetting

Wavelet denoise(GIMP2.4-2.8)
    Filters - enhance - wavelet denoise...

Wavelet sharpen(GIMP2.4-2.8)
    Filters - enhance - wavelet sharpen...

Additional Plugins(gegl-0.4 use) and How to use

    (GIMP2.10.34, GEGL0.4-later(other site)  [HomePage(LinuxBeaver)])

How to use
  1. Extract downloaded file, read 'LOCATION TO PUT BINARIES', and put dll files gegl-0.4 folder. For example, GIMP Portable2.10.34 : put dll files '<GIMP_FOLDER>/App/gimp/lib/gegl-0.4' folder.
  2. If you don't download and install 'bevel-reflect-logo', download here, extract and put plug-ins folder.
  3. Run GIMP(This time I use GIMP2.10.34). Open image that you wanna use plugin(or create image), and click Tools - GEGL Operation.(Click below image, large image is displayed)
  4. New window is displayed. Disable preview, and choose 'Text Styling Collection(Food Type)'.
  5. Changed window contents. Below this window's 'Presets:', you can find 'Select a crazy text effect'. Click and choose(this time) 'Pink bread and frosting Cake text', and click 'OK'.
    (It takes time).
  6. Result. Click below image, large image(1.17MB) is displayed.

Great mistaken

GIMP Portable can use this plug-in later 2.10.34-2 version. The truely result is this(1.33MB).

How to use Python

  1. Download files from Official site. Latest version is "Python 2.7.3 Windows Installer". Or download here.
  2. Download 3 files, "PyCairo", "PyGObject" ,"PyGTK" from this site.
    pygtk-all-in-one-2.24.1.win32-py2.7.msi includes these 3 files.
  3. At first, install Python 2.7, next install "PyCairo", "PyGObject" ,"PyGTK".
  4. If you installed GIMP, re-install GIMP. You can use "py" files!
  5. Python isn't available to use GIMP version 1.2, version 2.0, version2.2, and portable version.(GIMP2.8 Portable or later, python can use without install).
  6. If you can use Python, download and use extention "py" files from this site!

How to open Photoshop pattern file?(GIMP2.4-later)

From this page(Japanese)
This plugin can open Photoshop pattern file.
File - Save layers as patterns and choose save directory, click "OK" save started.

Saved files as GIMP pattern format.

Move to these patterns file to pattern directory, you can use it :)